Friday, July 27, 2012

I know this blog is suppose to be about Me and my experience at Chuuk. However, I would like to take a  short break from that topic and post about my sisters wedding.

For all who were there is was the best wedding in the world! The day was hot but less humid than any of the days surrounding it. 

The mistakes that were made (the ones that make weddings fun and remember able) were perfect.
It started with the pastor, my father, replacing Rachel's, the bride's, name with mine. and the unity candles melting so much that they leaned over and touched the table. 

Overall, the wedding was beautiful and amazing. It was also a great time to see and spend time with my friends and family who I won't be seeing in quite a while.                     


                                                                      Congratulations James and Rachel Fernando!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

MISSION POSSIBLE is based on Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." This is my motto as I, in  10 days, will be setting out as a student missionary on the island of Chuuk, in the Micronesian islands. On this island I will be teaching Bible and History to middle school and high school ages, along with many other things I am sure. So, if internet is good, I will be sharing my experiences here!