Birthdays are a very looked forward to event here at Chuuk SDA School. Mostly because
of the amazing food we eat, and the HUGE cake we get, but also because we love
to celebrate and be together. This last Sabbath
I turned twenty years old! It is for sure a birthday I will never forget!

tradition here at Chuuk SDA school is to first, wake the birthday person up in
the morning by singing to them. I remember the first time they did this for the
birthday person. All I remember thinking was it was way too early, people don’t
even sound good this early, and why would the birthday girl/guy want to be
woken up! However, it was the best way to wake up on my birthday. They all
piled into our apartment and started singing. I then came outside and joined
them and we had a worship, they sang happy birthday, and they all went around
saying happy birthday wishes to me.
Auntie Judy, the principal's wife and the sweetest woman in the world, always makes a special "birthday breakfast". She is an amazing cook so this tray is coveted by all (and yes that is nutella).

church that day they made sure everyone knew it was my birthday, projecting it on
the screen and singing to me at the very end. I am now, officially, the head of
the primary Sabbath school class, so today I went and saw how it is usually
done. Luckily, I just bought ukulele (my birthday gift to myself) and it has come in handy in SO many ways.
I was able to play for primary and do a special music for them, plus the high school
students love it and are constantly stealing it from me so they can play. We,
also, have a brand new American SM here in Chuuk! His name is Aaron and he is
the 5
th grade teacher. So, at the beginning of Sabbath school I
interviewed him in front of the church, we are super excited to have him here!!
next big birthday tradition is a HUGE potluck the night of the birthday. So
after sun down worship the power comes on at 6 and everyone starts cooking. We
usually aim for about 7:30 for the potluck, which basically means between 8 or
8:30. The other teachers made me a special card with notes from everyone.
Auntie Judy, also, always gets a HUGE chocolate cake. The night
continued with overeating, frosting fights, pictures, a movie at pastor’s, and
card games. I opted for a card game and we busted out Dutch Blitse and Stephen
taught us a new game. Just before the power went out that night I excitedly killed
my first cockroach, it may or may not have just been a baby cockroach, but it
was a HUGE victory for me, hello 20.
birthday was fantastic. But more than that I have realized how blessed I am to
be here with people I have grown to love and to be doing a job that I don’t always
like, but wouldn't trade it for anything. Although I am far from home and far
from the many people that I love and miss, God has definitely supplied me with
new people to love and is teaching me to be thankful for all things. So, thank
you all for your birthday wishes and for an amazing day!