Life without a computer poses its difficulties. I have definitely learned the valuable lesson, more than once, that I can live without my laptop. We aren't sure if it is a bug or a hardware problem but it has attacked me TWICE! However, I am now equipped with a new laptop and have lots of things to update my blog on. Unfortunately another problem has come up, I have no idea where my camera is! Pray that it hasn't been stolen!!
Starting farther back and in the present, basketball has become the new exciting event at our school. We have both a guys and girls basketball team and they compete with the other high schools around the island. Currently The girls team is 2-0, and our guys are 3-4. This is a huge step up from year past they tell me!
I played basketball in high school my Junior and senior year. I loved it, but I was and never a pro at it. However, I was in the truck with Pedro (the guy's coach), on the way to the first guy's basketball game, and I asked him, curiously, who the girls' coach was. He then informed me that I in fact was the girls' coach. good to know!
Excited to have a new challenge, I found out who was on the team and started practices after school. Not all the players can come to practices, however, because they have to take the bus that leaves immediately after school. I soon found out who had played before, who had never played before, and what strengths and weaknesses the team had.

Our first game was against Xavior, which is the most "academic" and "prestigious" high school on the island. They even have an entry test in order to get in. Unfortunately we were told that the game was on Wednesday, when in fact it was on Tuesday. Tough break.
Our next gave was against Mizpah, at Chuuk high school's court. All day the girls were nervous slash excited. We started playing and were behind the whole game until the last quarter in which we shot ahead a good 6 points. Both teams were so excited that in between quarters team members and fans would go out and dance in the court, some even did flips and back hand springs. Some of my girls have basketball shoes, some of them play in socks, while others play bare foot, and some will even play in their skirts. We have professional refs who are suppose to show up, but when they don't e find temporary ones who may or may not REALLY know the rules. It was an amazing victory and my girls deserved it. They may not have a lot of experience but they are hard players. Our second game was against SCA, the catholic high school. We won 9 to 1.
Despite all the inconsistancies, games starting on "island time", and all the other things It is an exciting experience to be a part of both these student's academic and non academic lives. It has definitely helped me to get to know them better and love them more.
We are the lady Conquerors!! :D