Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Honolulu SM orientation

Honolulu is beautiful! However, I didn't get to see a whole lot of it. SM orientation for the islands is intense. We are literally in meeting from morning to night. All the information we have been given us has been super useful and interesting and I won't lie I am a bit overwhelmed. From what fish not to touch, clothes you can and cannot wear, to random unacceptable things such as pointing at rainbows (which I know I'm going to do. WHO DOESN'T POINT AT A RAINBOW!). Anyways, there are about 50 SMs going out to the islands this year. The popular islands are Majuro and Pohnpei, one of which has about 20 SMs going to it. My island has two including myself. There will be more SMs coming from the Philippines, however. 

Despite being in a classroom all day I did get to see a few amazing places on Hawaii. The first two mornings here they gave us the option to get up at 5:30 and either go to the beach or hike up Diamond Head (a nonactive volcano). The first morning I went to the beach. 
There were several surfers out already and the water was really warm. Although it took awhile to convince Kyle to get in the water for fear of sharks.......

 The next morning a group went to Diamond Head. This is a Volcano whose head actually blew off of it so its rather flat on the top. It was a beautiful hike where you could look out over the ocean, it was also a lot of stairs for 6 AM. Our SM coordinator who is like a thousand years old, however, jogged up the whole thing just for fun that morning.

We also visited the punchbowl Memorial and another beautiful lookout during lunch the last day.

One things that I really like that they have been saying to us here is that "God does not call the qualified, but qualifies the called" I like that because I definitely do not feel qualified! They have also been talking about the first chapter in John when it says that " There was a man sent from God whose name was John. " They point out that it does not say he was sent by God but from God, and that's what we are as SMs.. sent FROM God. 
Over and over after they give us "talks" they will ask us, all the SMs, if they feel ready? or can you do this? Many people raise their hands and nod, but I can honestly say that I don't feel ready and I don't feel like I can do this. But I do know that i can do this with God's help and His help only.This of course goes back to my theme, "I CAN do all things through Christ who gives me strength." 

Random things I have learned at orientation.
1. It is a sign of honor when a girl gives her first born to her mother to no longer be her own child but the mothers.
2. Making the OK sign with your hand does not mean the same thing here as it does on the islands.
3. Also, neither does calling someone over by signaling them with your finger.
4. Clicking your tongue at the back of your mouth is like swearing in Chuuk.
5. The word for pants here also means prostitute.. ( I will be wearing skirts).
6. If you are seen walking alone or in a room alone with the opposite sex, you are assumed to be having sexual relations.
7. Canadians say the letter "Z" as "Zed" 
8. And yes, for some reason pointing at rainbows is a bad idea ( has something to do with with craft).

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